Energy: WiE calls for mandatory purchase of self-produced solar power

The association Wohnen im Eigentum (WiE) demands legal simplifications for the own power supply in residential property. In addition the WiE has two concrete requests. Firstly, condominium owners' associations (WEG) would have to be defined as "self-suppliers". Second: There should be an obligation to purchase self-produced solar power for all residents of a WEG.

With regard to the first point, the WiE criticizes that a WEG is equated to a legal entity, but the apartment owners are private individuals. This leads to the fact that WEG, which want to produce and consume electricity themselves, are not treated like self-suppliers, but like electricity suppliers. Therefore, they would have to fill out a large number of documents, among other things.

Regarding the second point, the WiE explains that a solar system is only economical for a WEG if all residents purchase the solar power and not only apartment owners living in their apartments. Therefore, the WiE demands that tenants can also be obliged to purchase the WEG solar power.

Source and further information:
© Photodune

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