Energy advice: book for children

Hajo Schörle from W&D Schörle thought about how young people can be involved in energy consulting. The result is the book "Da steckt ja ganz schön viel Energie drin. On 40 pages, children learn more about the topic - from energy-efficient renovation to storing energy to generating their own energy.

Among other things, the book is intended to be used during consultations and thus raise awareness of the topic not only among adults, but also among children. The reading, puzzle, coloring and craft book was developed in cooperation with the building energy consultants of GIH e. V. Baden-Württemberg.

Author Hajo Schörle has been working on the topics of energy and e-mobility since the 1990s. He works as a consultant and organizer of related events and, since 2021, has been a part-time lecturer in electromobility at a university. The book costs 12.50 (ISBN-13: 978-392634556) and can be found and obtained via using the search function.

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