Study: 25 percent of private owners in Berlin cannot find a property management company

Owners are dissatisfied with their external property managers, according to a study by the company "Matera". This particularly affects 18- to 35-year-olds. In this age group, 54 percent of respondents say they are dissatisfied with their property management company or have problems finding a suitable manager. Among the reasons for dissatisfaction, respondents see a lack of digital processes, poor communication and intransparency. Overall, however, only one in five owners is dissatisfied with their property management.

According to Matera, however, there are differences from region to region. Dissatisfaction with property management companies is apparently particularly high in Berlin. There, more than 25 percent of respondents have difficulty finding a property management company. If the citizens of Berlin found nevertheless a house administration, 44 per cent are dissatisfied with this. In addition to a lack of communication and transparency, Berliners complain about the poor accessibility of their property managers.

"We know that property managers are mainly interested in larger units. Those with less than 30 units are usually not lucrative for them," says Gero Graf, General Manager of Matera Germany. The study results are based on an online survey conducted by YouGov Deutschland GmbH, in which 1,001 people participated between May 25 and 30, 2022.

Source and further information: Matera/
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