BfS: Knowledge about radioactive gas radon in population too low

The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) draws attention to the hazardous effect on health of the radioactive gas radon, which can occur in any building. In the study "Erfassung des Umgangs der deutschen Bevölkerung mit Radon als Grundlage für Risikokommunikation und Stärkung des Schutzverhaltens" with 3,000 respondents, the Bfs had previously found out that radon is known, but knowledge about the radioactive gas is limited.

For example, only 5 percent of respondents who had heard of radon knew that it can also be found on higher floors of buildings. 14 percent of this group knew that radon can be found on first floors and 24 percent of this group knew that the radioactive gas can also be found in the basements of buildings. Only 2 percent of the total respondents indicated that someone in their private or professional environment had ever measured radon concentrations.

According to BfS, radon is one of the most common causes of lung cancer after smoking. "With a radon measurement, it is easy to determine whether you are affected by elevated radon concentrations and should do something about it," explains BfS President Inge Paulini, "the study shows that this knowledge is still far too little spread." Radon measurements cost between 30 and 50 euros, according to BfS. The site describes the providers from which interested parties can obtain measuring devices and how they work.

Source and further information:
© wavepoint

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