New construction: energy-plus houses produce energy themselves

  • 2 years ago

Building owners can meanwhile also let so-called energy plus houses establish. The portal "" points this out. With energy plus houses it concerns houses, by which not only energy can be saved, but by which also energy can be produced.

The principle of energy-plus houses is based on more efficient building use and associated energy savings on the one hand and the decentralized production of electricity and heat on the other. According to, energy-plus houses are not self-sufficient in energy, but can also draw energy from the grid during periods of low production.

However, such houses must meet certain requirements. For example, they should be insulated, have heat pumps, be equipped with a solar system and have a ventilation system. If someone decides to build such a house, there are funding opportunities from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

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