Electricity: Researchers study probability of blackouts in Germany

  • 1 year ago

Under the title "Are Blackouts in Germany Likely?" the academies of science acatech, Leopoldina and Akademienunion have published an impulse paper. The researchers assume that "major power failures up to and including blackouts" are "unlikely" in Germany. However, they outline four measures to minimize the risks of a large-scale, long-lasting and unplanned power blackout.

These four measures are firstly the use of decentralization, secondly the "design of secure digitization, thirdly the involvement of the public and fourthly the development of a so-called resilience strategy.

Among other things, small-scale generation plants and storage facilities are to be used to increase supply security (point 1). It is also about increasing cyber security (point 2) and informing the public about measures (point 3). In addition, the resilience of the power grid will be assessed and issues will be noted and investigated (item 4). Interested parties can download the full impulse paper free of charge at energiesysteme-zukunft.de.

Source: energiesysteme-zukunft.de
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