Energy: vzbv advises to check claims for damages

  • 1 year ago

The Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzvb) advises customers affected by termination without notice by their energy suppliers to claim damages. According to the vzbv, customers have suffered damage because they were placed in basic energy supply through no fault of their own. Customers often pay higher prices for basic energy supply than for tariffs they have chosen themselves.

Affected customers should quantify the damages they have suffered as concretely as possible. Among other things, the vzbv provides a calculator that can be used to do this. However, this does not take into account the emergency aid and the gas price brake, which can reduce the claims for damages according to vzvb.

According to Sebastian Reiling, a consultant at the Musterfeststellungsklagen team, consumers should "not be fobbed off with peanuts" when it comes to compensation. They can also contact the Schlichtungsstelle Energie, which specializes in the out-of-court settlement of disputes between energy suppliers and consumers.

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