Shares: New sentiment indicator published

The "Sentiment Indicator Real Estate Stocks 2023" was recently published by Kirchhoff Consult AG, the Hamburg-based agency for financial and corporate communications. The sentiment indicator shows that the basic sentiment of analysts remains at a low level of 3.8 points (H1 2023). Previously (H2 2022), the analysts' basic sentiment was still at 4.5 points, with the possible scale covering a range from -100 to +100 points.

The sentiment for residential real estate stocks among analysts stands at 11.5 points. This is 2.3 points lower than in the second half of 2022. Analysts' sentiment with regard to commercial real estate stocks scores 7.7 points. This is 9.1 points lower than in the second half of 2022. In addition to analysts' basic sentiment, the sentiment of company representatives is also recorded.

Their basic sentiment stands at 11.4 points (down 2.3 points from H2 2022). Sentiment for commercial real estate stocks is -2.3 points among company representatives, down from -4.5 points in H2 2022. Sentiment for residential real estate stocks is 11.4 points among company representatives. Compared with the second half of 2022, when it was also 11.4 points, it thus shows no difference. The complete sentiment indicator can be downloaded free of charge at

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