Energy transition: BMWK informs

Plants operated by citizen energy companies receive remuneration for feeding electricity into the public grid without a tendering process. In addition, subsidies of up to 200,000 euros can be claimed for the planning of wind turbines. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) points this out in the brochure "Renewable energies for your home. Use solar, wind or geothermal energy - every contribution counts!

With photovoltaic modules on the balcony or roof or the use of heat pumps, owners could contribute to the energy transition. The BMWK recommends seeking energy advice from consumer advice centers in advance. Questions can be clarified there and funding opportunities discussed.

Tenants could do something for climate protection by choosing a green electricity tariff. They should make sure that this is labeled either "green electricity" or "ok-power". For more information on the energy transition, visit

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