Housing: Tenants favor transparent living concepts

Many tenants in Germany are now focusing on sustainability, future-proof infrastructure and transparency on the part of landlords, particularly with regard to ancillary costs. This is the result of a recent study commissioned by Aareal Bank.

One of the main problems from the tenants' point of view is the lack of openness and transparency on the part of landlords, particularly when it comes to utility bills. Over half (52.5 percent) of the tenants surveyed want more insight into this. In addition, around a quarter of tenants would like to have a say in how their rental deposit is invested.

46.5 percent of tenants attach importance to good public transport connections and fast internet. In addition, an energy-efficient building is important for 41.2 percent of tenants when looking for a home. A cleaning service from the landlord would also be of interest to 38.3 percent. Around a quarter of tenants would like a charging station for electric vehicles, provided by the landlord (22.5 percent) or the energy provider (23.4 percent).

Source and further information: aareal-bank.com
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