Repair law: vzbv calls for more comprehensive regulations

  • 1 year ago

The Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) has reacted to the European Commission's draft law on the implementation of a right to repair and rejects its current form. The draft, which envisages an obligation for manufacturers to repair products, would also restrict the consumer's right to choose in the event of a defective product.

According to the European proposals, a repair obligation would only apply to a few products that are already regulated by EU ecodesign. The vzbv considers this regulation to be inadequate and argues that the added value for consumers is limited. The need for more comprehensive regulation is underpinned by the fact that high repair costs are one of the main reasons why consumers do not have products repaired.

The vzbv calls for an effective right to repair that promotes competition for durable and easy-to-repair products. It also proposes an extension of the warranty period, which should be linked to the lifespan of the products, and also advocates the introduction of a nationwide system of financial support for repairs.

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