Summer: The optimum heat protection

If it is too hot in the apartment or house in summer, classic heat protection strategies can be used to cool it down, according to energy advice from the consumer advice center. These heat protection strategies include ventilation at night, the use of natural shade and the use of external heat protection on windows, such as blinds or shutters.

Although air conditioning systems and fans can provide short-term cooling, they are less advantageous in terms of energy efficiency and energy costs. In addition to these short-term solutions, there is also a long-term solution according to the consumer advice center: professional insulation of the house.

Effective insulation of a house brings benefits in both summer and winter. It keeps the heat out in summer and stores the heat inside the building in winter. Exterior walls, windows, the roof and the cellar in particular should be well insulated. If you would like to find out more about this topic, visit

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