Construction: BSB warns of declining willingness to modernize

The Bauherren-Schutzbund (BSB) warns of a significant decline in interest in property modernization among private owners. A recent BSB survey shows that only a third of owners of older properties are planning energy modernization measures. It is worrying that 61 percent of those surveyed have no plans whatsoever to modernize their properties. "The current mood among the population is in clear contradiction to the German government's goals of at least doubling the modernization rate in Germany. People's willingness to invest in their apartments and houses is at an all-time low. This not only jeopardizes our climate targets, but also the future of our properties," says BSB Managing Director Florian Becker.

Government funding programmes for modernization would not reach many owners effectively; 62% of those surveyed felt that the funding conditions were inadequate. According to the BSB, this negative assessment has worsened since the beginning of 2022, which has led to a loss of confidence in government policy. Florian Becker appeals to politicians to ensure planning security, tailor-made solutions and improved communication in order to bring about a change in public opinion.

Another obstacle to modernization is the acute shortage of construction companies and tradespeople. More than 75 percent of owners are confronted with this problem, especially in urban areas. This shortage of skilled workers is also dampening the desire to modernize. Florian Becker points out that a decline in orders in the construction sector could free up capacity in the short term. However, this also carries the risk of companies having to go into short-time working. This is particularly the case if the situation in the new construction sector continues to deteriorate.source and further information:
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