Brochure: "Living at home for longer"

How can older people live independently in their familiar surroundings for as long as possible? The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) explains this in the brochure "Living at home for longer". The brochure encourages older people to make their own homes age-appropriate, whether through structural changes or technical aids.

The brochure also presents various forms of housing for the elderly. These range from communal housing projects that encourage older people and young families to live together to assisted living. The brochure emphasizes that each form of housing aims to offer residents the highest possible degree of self-determination and quality of life, regardless of their care needs.

According to the BMFSFJ, it is also important that those who care for older people can also rely on support. This holistic approach should ensure that all people, regardless of their age, can lead a self-determined and fulfilling life. The brochure can be downloaded free of charge at

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