Building defects: vpb gives tips

Early detection and professional handling of construction defects is of great importance for private builders in order to protect their rights and prevent financial losses. The Verband Privater Bauherren (vpb) points this out, stating that a notice of defects gives builders the opportunity to inform those responsible about construction defects and officially document them. A timely complaint gives the contractor the chance to rectify the defect immediately.

However, according to vpb, there are generally no claims for defects until the building has been accepted. The statutory defect rights only arise afterwards. However, if there is a defect after acceptance, the client must prove that it already existed at the time of acceptance. Qualified experts provide support in the assessment and documentation of defects and help with effective communication with those responsible.

In summary, proper notification of defects is the first step towards remedying defects. According to vpb, dealing with construction defects professionally increases the likelihood that they will be rectified properly and on time, which improves the quality of the building and prevents consequential damage. Comprehensive documentation, expert advice and clear communication are key to the success of a construction project.

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