Ruling: Crosses may remain in office buildings

The crosses in public buildings in Bavaria may remain hanging. This was decided by the Federal Administrative Court (AZ: BVerwG10 C 3.22). This means that the Free State of Bavaria is not obliged to remove the crosses displayed in its official buildings in accordance with the cross decree. The crosses are considered an expression of Bavaria's historical and cultural character.

The plaintiffs, ideological communities, had filed a lawsuit against the cross decree and its implementation. They argued that this violated the state's duty of neutrality. However, the court ruled that the crosses did not constitute a violation of fundamental rights and had no advertising effect for Christian denominations.

The court stated that the cross symbol did not identify the state with Christian beliefs. Rather, it symbolizes Bavarian history and culture and does not stand in the way of openness towards other denominations. A recommendation to remove the crosses is legally inadmissible.

Source and further information: BVerwG10 C 3.22
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