Energy market: Questions in energy monitoring deleted

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has removed around a third of the 550 questions previously included in its energy monitoring. One of the reasons for this is a "reduction in bureaucracy". There are deletions in each of the ten questionnaires. The "Energy and Construction" team of the German Federation of Consumer Advice Centers and Consumer Associations (vzbv) criticizes this development because it fears disadvantages for consumers in terms of market transparency.The bvzb therefore calls for topics such as the monitoring of e-charging station electricity, information on charging points and charging tariffs and the amount of money that household customers must generally be in arrears with their payment obligations before they are threatened with an interruption of supply to continue to be included in the monitoring report. vzbv states that the "annual monitoring report of the BNetzA and the Federal Cartel Office makes a significant contribution to a high level of market transparency in the electricity and gas markets". Especially when energy markets change significantly, such a report can be important for consumers and associations to find out about developments and the behavior of companies. The data collection is expected to take place from March 18 to April 26 Source and further information:
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