Recycling: Building with waste wood

The Technical University of Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig) is researching innovative ways to reuse waste wood in the construction industry. The aim of this research is to reduce wood consumption and make wooden components recyclable. The "Recycling for Future" and "Recycling for Reuse" projects aim to show how wood can be efficiently kept in the material cycle.

According to TU Braunschweig, up to eight million tons of waste wood are produced in Germany every year, mainly from the construction and demolition sector. However, only a small proportion of this waste wood currently finds a new use, for example in the production of chipboard or for energy generation. The aim of the research is to optimize the use of waste wood and to bind the carbon in the wood for longer through so-called cascade use. This should make the raw material wood more sustainable and resource-efficient.

One focus is on the development of wooden panels that are easy to recycle and consist of a small number of different materials. According to TU Braunschweig, this would not only simplify the recycling process, but also contribute to the processing of building materials for reuse in the construction industry.TU Braunschweig is working with numerous partners to establish the ecological and sustainable recycling cycle for wooden components in the best possible way. The "Recycling for Future" and "Recycling for Reuse" projects are supported by the Agency for Renewable Resources with a total of around 2.4 million euros.source and further information:
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