On average, property buyers and builders in Germany who have taken out a loan are 38 years old. This is according to a study by financial expert Dr. Klein with figures from 2023. At this age, "most people are firmly anchored in their professional and family environment", which makes it easier to move into their own home. However, according to Ringo Hellwig from Dr. Klein, younger people can also think about buying a property: "Younger people often get more out of financing than they thought".
Ringo Hellwig points out that many young people rule out the dream of owning their own home too early, even though the start of a career can be a good time to buy. Rising rental prices make buying a property financially attractive, even for career starters. Young buyers are advised to take a close look at their own finances and the real estate market. An open dialog with the family could lead to additional financial support to improve equity.
Meetings with estate agents and viewings offer valuable insights and help to find a suitable property. Ringo Hellwig also encourages younger people to take the plunge into home ownership with confidence. After all, real estate retains its value in the long term. "When you can call it your own, it's a good feeling," says Ringo Hellwig.source: drklein.de
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