Building acceptance: rights and deadlines

Building owners have a period of five years after building acceptance to assert claims for defects. This warranty period allows builders to demand rectification in the event of defects that are attributable to planning or execution errors. Even if almost five years have passed since acceptance and moving in, the construction company must bear the costs of rectifying the defects. The Verband Privater Bauherren points this out.

Around three to four months before the warranty period expires, builders should inspect their home for possible defects. These include areas of damp, flaking surfaces or loosening snow grilles, gutters or railings. An independent expert can best assess whether these are normal wear and tear or defects due to faulty planning or improper execution.

Surveyors are experienced experts who not only know where to look for defects, but can also identify the causes of these defects. In this way, builders can ensure in good time before the warranty period expires that their house has the contractually guaranteed quality and is a house without defects that they have paid for.
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