Heat pumps: Information on subsidies

Has the introduction of new subsidies for replacing heating systems led to an increase in demand for heat pumps? The answers from the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, and the heating industry differ. "The subsidies, especially for heat pumps, are being accepted more and more," the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs told the Rheinische Post.

In contrast, the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH) reports that sales of heat pumps have slumped by 52% compared to the same period last year. While 96,500 heat pumps were sold in the first quarter of 2023, only 46,000 devices were sold in the first quarter of 2024, according to the BDH. The reason for this is consumer uncertainty. A broad-based information campaign is therefore needed to provide consumers with information.

In general, the Federal Subsidy for Efficient Buildings (BEG) is intended to make it easier for owners and homeowners' associations to replace old heating systems with more climate-friendly alternatives such as heat pumps through repayment subsidies and low-interest loans. In the long term, it should help to increase the renovation rate and boost energy efficiency in buildings. Initially, only owners of single-family homes occupied by themselves were able to take advantage of the funding, but since the end of May, owners of existing multi-family homes and homeowners' associations have also been eligible.
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