Heating systems: Why owners should find out about new solutions

Sebastian Herkel from the Fraunhofer Institute ISE advises owners of apartment buildings to invest in an efficient heating system at an early stage. They should not wait until their heating system breaks down, but should find out about their options as soon as possible. The reason for this is that properties built in the 1960s may initially require other investments, which in turn make certain technologies possible.

If an owner wants to replace their heating system, tradespeople must be on hand to advise them. This duty to advise aims to ensure that owners benefit from professional recommendations on which systems meet their needs and maximize energy efficiency. Sebastian Herkel calls for tradespeople and energy consultants to work together, "preferably in tandem".

Municipal heating planning" - a body responsible for planning, such as a local authority - can provide support. For example, it can take forward-looking measures to facilitate the transition to more sustainable heating solutions. It is also important to take local conditions such as noise protection regulations into account and possibly find an alternative location for the heat pump.
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