Considerable progress has been made with regard to the energy efficiency of residential properties in Germany since 2014. In the eastern federal states in particular, extensive refurbishment measures since reunification have significantly increased energy efficiency. Improvements have also been achieved in the western federal states, particularly in urban and southern German regions.
While only a third of the apartments on offer in some regions in eastern Germany had poor energy efficiency classes (E and worse) as early as 2014, this was the case for more than half of the apartments in the western German federal states. Since then, the western German regions have also made progress. In Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and southern Hesse in particular, the energy efficiency of the housing stock has improved since then.
The study by the GEWOS Institute and an online marketplace for residential and commercial real estate, which analyzed 1.4 million residential listings, also produced two maps. These show the energy efficiency classes in which regions of Germany in 2014 and 2024. It can be seen that despite the progress made, there is still a need for modernization.
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