Building contract: special requests should be formulated precisely

Even in turnkey construction, it is possible to make individual adaptations such as special floor coverings or additional bathrooms. One example of this is the request for a special conduit for a PV system. However, special requests in the building contract should be formulated precisely in order to avoid legal disputes later on. The Verband Privater Bauherren points this out.

In the current case, a special request from the client was added to the building specification. This was: "Supply and installation of an empty conduit EN 40 in the shaft from the basement to the attic in accordance with the building specification without an empty socket incl. pull wire. The cables will be pulled in by the client." However, the empty conduit did not end under the roof tiles as expected, but in the attic.

But does the client have the right to have the empty conduit installed under the roof cladding? Or did the construction company adhere exactly to the building specifications? These are uncertainties that now need to be clarified by lawyers. Andreas Garscha, head of the VPB regional office in Stuttgart, emphasizes that imprecise wording often leads to disputes. Building owners should therefore consult independent experts, especially when formulating special requests in the building contract.
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