Guidebook: "Rent costs under control

  • 2 years ago

A guidebook entitled "Mietkosten im Griff. Incidental costs, rent increases, housing defects" has now been published by the consumer advice center and the German Tenants' Association. On 192 pages, the guide looks at various topics such as finding accommodation, rent and cosmetic repairs, and shows how savings can be made.

For example, the guidebook answers the following questions: "How do I report a housing defect correctly?", "When does a tenant have to contribute to the costs of minor damage?" and "What are the requirements for a modernization rent increase? Tips are also given on how to avoid high energy costs.

The guidebook also contains case studies, sample letters and information on current topics. Interested parties can first take a look at a reading sample. If they decide to buy the guidebook, they can order it from the website for 16.90 euros as a book or for 12.99 euros as an e-book, or purchase it locally from the advice centers of the consumer advice centers.


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