Study: "Future Living - Outlook 2022. Living Trends of the Future".

According to project developers and existing tenants, tenants want fast broadband Internet for the home office (58 and 57 percent, respectively), larger apartments (42 and 51 percent, respectively) and apartments with workrooms (42 and 46 percent, respectively). These are the findings of the study "Future Living - Outlook 2022: Living Trends of the Future" by the business and consulting firm PwC Germany. The study, for which around 50 real estate project developers and portfolio owners, including investors, owners, landlords and housing associations, were surveyed between July and October 2021, also comes to other interesting conclusions.

For example, around six out of ten real estate developers and portfolio holders surveyed expect regulatory measures - such as the rent brake - to be tightened further. However, this does not stop them from continuing to invest in real estate. More than two-thirds of those surveyed (68 percent) said they would like to invest in existing apartments or in new construction projects.

PwC also surveyed housing stock owners on the subject of climate protection. The results showed that 66 percent of respondents inform their tenants about measures that can reduce CO2 emissions. However, 31 percent of respondents said they do not do this. PwC sees a challenge in the massive reduction of CO2 emissions that is needed in the housing market. Interested parties can obtain further results in the "Future Living - Outlook 2022. Housing Trends of the Future" study. This can be downloaded free of charge from


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