The German Employer's Liability Insurance Association for the Construction Industry (BG Bau) provides tips on safe working for employees in the construction industry during the cooler months of the year. To prevent accidents, construction sites should be prepared in good time for the fall. To do this, artificial light sources must be used in the morning and from late afternoon onwards due to the poor lighting conditions.
BG Bau recommends lighting with a wide beam or asymmetrical light distribution. Attention should also be paid to the illuminance, which is specified in the unit of measurement lux, on the construction site. For example, some activities require an illuminance of up to 500 lux. The illuminance must thus be brighter than the nominal illuminance for a meeting and conference room of 300 lux.
In addition to good lighting, clearing traffic routes also reduces accidents. Among other things, these must be cleared and freed of leaves. In addition, stairs, scaffolding and walkways must be gritted if necessary so that they do not become a dangerous slippery slope. Further tips, including on warning clothing, are available to interested parties at A brochure on the subject is available free of charge to DG-Bau rental members; all others pay 5 euros.
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