Guideline: Reducing CO2 emissions in hospitals

What CO2 emissions are caused by the operation of buildings, hospital transports or cleaning in hospitals? Scientists at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) are investigating these questions over the next three years in collaboration with hospitals, professional associations and consulting firms from several German states. In the process, they also want to find out how clinics can become climate-neutral.

After extensive analyses, the scientists then draw up a guideline for facility management in the hospital. This contains measures that can contribute to CO2 savings. A special focus in the analyses will be placed on the points of disposal, mobility and service-related management. In addition, those responsible should be encouraged to implement the measures by means of a key figure system.

According to the HWR, the project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is of particular importance because reducing the considerable CO2 emissions in the healthcare industry is highly relevant to society as a whole. For more information on the research project, interested parties can visit

Source: HWR
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