Sound insulation: minimum requirements and guidelines

When it comes to protecting a building from sound, the regulations from the state building ordinances must be observed in Germany. These describe the technical standards and minimum sound insulation that buildings must have. Noise emanating from buildings must be contained in such a way that it does not constitute an unacceptable nuisance or cause other disadvantages.

In addition to the minimum requirements specified in the state building ordinances, there are a number of other rules, building regulations and public announcements from the highest building supervisory authority that must be complied with. These include the regulations from the Muster-Verwaltungsvorschrift Technische Baubestimmungen (MVV TB) and areas from the DIN 4109 standard.

In the area of residential properties (single-family and multi-family houses, semi-detached and terraced houses as well as apartments), VDI Guideline 4100 deals with increased sound insulation. Here, three sound insulation levels (SSt) are categorized and described, which are based on the classification of a subjectively perceived sound insulation. In the private sector, SSt II is often agreed upon. While SSt I meets the requirements of the DIN 4109 standard, compliance with the regulations from SSt III is often too costly. This is because other framework conditions must also be taken into account and complied with when planning sound insulation, such as the properties of the building site, local legal requirements, and compliance with the budget and schedule.

Source: Baunetzwissen

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