Tip: How to set up your reading corner

A reading corner is not only an ideal retreat when it's uncomfortable outside and you spend a lot of time indoors anyway, in a reading corner you can also make yourself comfortable outside. After all, what's wrong with setting up a cozy corner for reading and relaxing on your balcony or patio, too? An outdoor armchair or an outdoor sofa immediately give the outdoor area a homely touch. With cushions and a footstool, the outdoor reading corner looks even cozier.

If, on the other hand, the reading corner is located in the living room or in another room, a comfortable reading chair surrounded by bookshelves will be the focus of the interior. It does not matter whether it is a hanging shelf or a free-standing bookcase. A horizontally placed bookcase also provides a practical storage area. Those who like to read magazines can also stack them in an orderly fashion - this adds a special flair to the reading corner. However, they should be sorted out regularly so that the reading pile doesn't look untidy right away.

There are no limits when choosing the lamp, except that it should match the interior and provide enough light for reading. With a small side table, the reading corner looks even more cozy and also provides a good storage space for the books or for drinks and snacks. If you long for some greenery in the reading corner, you can place a chic floor vase with grasses or flowers. If the reading corner is located by the window, you can also enjoy the daylight and a beautiful view.

Source: Schöner Wohnen
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