Home Report 2021: Trend dictionary

  • 4 years ago

In the Home Report 2021, published by the trend and futurology institute "Zukunftsinstitut", the author Oona Horx-Strathern deals with the housing trends 2021. In addition to numerous facts and figures, trends and theses on the subject of building, the author devotes the "trend dictionary" to newly emerging words and terms from the industry. The development of a new vocabulary reflects the changes in society and in the industry and illustrates new needs in changing times.

Thus, unlike multifunctional kitchens, an "Anty Throphy Kitchen" is again used for food preparation. The term "Genkan", originating from Japan, describes an entrance area in the house or apartment, which serves as an intermediate space for placing shoes and other items, to provide the rest of the living space with more room hygiene. Extensions of current trends also find a new name. "Mobitecture," for example, refers to an ecologically sustainable "Tiny House" designed for self-sufficiency. "Ultra-mini-living" describes the form of living in apartments of around nine square meters and is thus the continuation of tiny, micro as well as mini living forms.

The "trend dictionary" also contains a large number of terms that have their origins in the Corona pandemic. For example, "Immunity Boosting Homes" are geared to the idea that better air strengthens immunity in one's own home. The strong and sudden retreat into the private sphere is reflected in negatively connoted terms such as "Co-Isolation" and describes the state of being alone and the feeling of loneliness. Re-hygge," on the other hand, involves rediscovering and enhancing what is at home, for example by rediscovering and re-evaluating furnishings.

Source: Zukunftsinstitut
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