Furnishing style: Feng Shui for more comfortable living

Nowadays there are numerous styles of living, according to which residents can design their interior. Not only for lovers of the East Asian doctrine of Feng Shui, but also for those to whom living comfort, harmony and order are important, it is advantageous to know and implement the basic ideas of Feng Shui when furnishing. Even if it is usually not possible to align the entire living concept according to the yin and yang teachings, there are numerous furnishing options that provide a good quality of living and a lot of living comfort.

This includes, for example, parting with superfluous objects and using accessories only selectively. The floor plan plays a very important role in furnishing according to Feng Shui. While rectangular rooms provide a good flow of energy, angled and unused corners and niches block the energy. It is recommended to illuminate dark corners in warm light. Large windows, a lot of daylight as well as a wide view from the windows also ensure a good flow of the so-called "Qi", the cosmic energy. The interior of the rooms should remain clear in all cases.

In Feng Shui there are five elements, which should also be assigned to the individual areas of life in the field of interior design. While the use of wood in the east and southeast of the apartment stands, among other things, for growth, creativity and prosperity, the use of the element water in the north stands for communication and wealth of ideas. The other elements are earth, fire and metal. If you want to delve deeper into the world of Feng Shui, you can use the Chinese birth chart to find out which cardinal directions are more conducive to yourself than others.

Source: Immonet
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