Study on the satisfaction of the housing situation

According to a survey conducted by the Institute for Housing, Real Estate, Urban and Regional Development (InWIS) and research conducted by the EBZ Business School, the Bochum-based university for real estate management, homeowners and tenants are more satisfied with their housing situation this year than they were in 2007. Most of the respondents were tenants of cooperatives or municipal housing companies.

The survey examined the apartment and the residential building, but also the living environment, the social environment and the service provided by the cooperatives and housing companies. The respondents were more satisfied than average, particularly in the areas of service and customer orientation, and noted a general improvement in their housing situation compared with previous years. The majority of tenants also felt that rental costs were reasonable or even favorable.

InWIS expects tenant satisfaction with their housing situation and quality to continue to rise in the coming years. Basically, it can be said that the longer tenants live in their apartment, the less they feel the need to move. Most of the respondents have lived in their neighborhood for more than five years.

Source: InWIS / VDIV

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