
Solar energy: According to experts, Germany could expand in these areas

Germany's potential for using solar energy on buildings is enormous, but still largely untapped. In 2023, 61.1 terawatt hours of solar power were produced. This corresponds to only twelve percent of national electricity consumption. According to the knowledge magazine "scinexx", if Germany's annual electricity requirements were to be covered by solar energy, the area of the island of Rügen - i.e. almost 1,000...

AfA: Expert opinion enables tax reduction if necessary

Property owners can optimize their tax deduction for wear and tear (AfA) with a remaining useful life report. An expert opinion can prove that the actual useful life of a property is shorter than the tax office's estimate. This makes it possible to increase the annual depreciation amounts and extend the remaining useful life.

Pantry: Practical tips for planning

The pantry is experiencing a revival in modern kitchen concepts, not only as a nostalgic relic, but also as a practical solution for storing food and kitchen utensils. In today's world, where living space must be used efficiently, the integration of a pantry offers numerous advantages when planning a kitchen. It can help to store food in the best possible way and...

Study: Better affordability of real estate

More than half of the property buyers and prospective buyers surveyed (56%) rate the ability to purchase a property as "moderately" to "easily" achievable. This represents an improvement of 9 percentage points compared to the previous year, when fewer respondents felt that real estate prices were affordable. This is the result of a recent study by the Interhyp Group...

Building acceptance: an important step

Building acceptance is a crucial milestone in any construction project, as it marks the transfer of legal responsibility for the building from the construction company to the client. This moment requires great care, as overlooking defects can have serious financial and legal consequences. It is therefore essential that the client does not carry out the acceptance procedure under pressure and...

Solar energy: Efficient recycling for disused modules

Chinese researchers from Wuhan University and Northeastern University in China have developed a new method for recycling end-of-life solar modules. It is a method that is both energy efficient and takes into account the increasing demand for sustainable recycling methods. The innovative process is based on the use of a molten mixture of sodium and sodium carbonate to...

WEG: Legal costs may also be passed on to successful plaintiffs

Legal costs incurred in an action for a resolution by a homeowners' association must also be borne proportionately by the victorious plaintiffs. This was decided by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) (V ZR 139/23). The ruling is based on the reformed German Condominium Act of December 2020, which states that all members of a community must contribute to the administrative costs of...

Outdoor lighting: aesthetics and functionality

The exterior lighting of a house offers aesthetic and practical benefits. By using recessed or surface-mounted luminaires and wall luminaires, for example, impressive lighting effects can be achieved that emphasize the character of the house. Lighting under a canopy or roof overhang provides ideal orientation light, making the surroundings safer and more secure.

New buildings: More expensive than existing properties with one exception

In most German regions, new-build apartments are significantly more expensive than existing properties - according to the "Postbank Housing Atlas 2024". The study by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) shows that the price differences are particularly pronounced in the Bavarian districts of Miesbach and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, with a calculated price difference of 382,474 euros and 340,000 euros respectively.

Heating subsidies: commercial homeowners have their turn

From the end of August, it will be possible for commercial homeowners to apply for state subsidies for heating renovations. Applications for funding can be submitted until November 30, 2024 for heating renovations that have already been commissioned since the end of December 2023. Applications for funding can be submitted via the "My KfW" customer portal. The so-called...

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