
Study: interesting facts about the future of city centers

What is the future of city centers? This is the question addressed by a number of experts in the "cima.monitor Deutschlandstudie Innenstadt 2022" study. One of the results is that a significant proportion of people will no longer return to the city centers for shopping under current conditions. According to the study, this development will particularly affect small towns...

Garden: build raised bed yourself

If home builders would like to realize a raised bed made of wood in their garden, on their terrace or on their balcony, they can find tips for this at the portal "". First of all, 2.5 to 5 centimeter thick wooden slats (depending on requirements) must be purchased for the side walls and squared lumber or posts for stabilization and provided with an appropriate protective glaze. After that, the...

Competition: Climate-active community 2023 wanted

Until Friday, March 31, cities, districts and municipalities can enter their exemplary climate protection projects in the nationwide "Climate Active Community 2023" competition organized by the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu), the National Climate Initiative (NKI) and the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). The winners will receive prize money of 25,000 euros each, which...

Real estate purchase: cash no longer allowed

Real estate may no longer be paid for with cash, precious metals such as gold and silver, and diamonds. In addition, a real estate transaction database based on information from notarial deeds is to be created in the near future. The measures are intended to combat crime and money laundering. In addition, foreign companies acquiring real estate in the country are...

Training: Young craftsmen wanted!

Attracting more trainees to skilled trades is the goal of the German Chambers of Skilled Crafts (DHTK) in collaboration with its partner Meta. On various social media channels, the DHTK is therefore now using a video to draw attention to, among other things, the numerous professions that exist in the skilled trades. Interested parties can, for example, train to become a metal worker, an electrical...

Analysis: Banks must take a closer look when granting real estate loans

Banks are becoming more cautious in granting loans to home builders. This development is predicted by the audit and consulting organizations EY based on a recent analysis. "The tide has turned in the real estate market: The sharp rise in interest rates is slowing demand for real estate loans, and in addition, real estate appears to be on the rise, with prices increasing by 35 percent between Q1 2019 and mid-2022,...

House building: VPB advises to nature-near gardens

Promoting biodiversity in home gardens and avoiding stone deserts - that's what owners should do, according to the Association of Private Builders (VPB). The VPB also gives some tips on how this can succeed. For example, owners should opt for insect-friendly hedges with plants such as red dogwood, field maple or hornbeam instead of cherry laurel and thuja hedges. Because the latter are said to be...

Digital: Bavaria tests digital twins

With the help of so-called "digital twins," the Free State of Bavaria wants to become a modern digital state. A "digital twin" is the mapping of an object from the real world into the virtual world. The aim is to use the digital twins to simulate various processes. These can be situations from road traffic, for example. With the help of...

Judgment: BGH rules on allocation of burden of proof

A case in which a grape plays a decisive role has now made it all the way to the Federal Supreme Court (BGH) (VI ZR 1283/20). In November 2018, a customer wanted to shop in a furniture store in Kiel. In the process, she slipped on a grape lying on the floor, fell and sustained such severe injuries that she ultimately had to have a hip endoprosthesis implanted....

Upholstered furniture: According to VDM, this is currently in

Modular concepts are currently in vogue for upholstered furniture. This is pointed out by the German Furniture Industry Association (VDM). The furniture is particularly flexible. For example, elements can be rearranged and redesigned. This is possible, for example, with sofas that have several elements that can be moved, chairs with interchangeable legs, or sofas that can be...

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