
Budget billing: How the verification of electricity and gas bills works

The consumer advice center points out that customers can check their bills for electricity, gas and district heating from the past year. Corresponding price brakes applied, which is why there are some special features to bear in mind. For example, the December discount for gas and heat for private households and small and medium-sized enterprises was abolished. To ensure the correctness of the...

Right of way: Can the neighbor walk across the property?

In many cases, owners want to enjoy the peace and quiet of their garden, but neighbors trespassing can become a nuisance. The Regional Court of Lübeck has ruled that, under certain circumstances, neighbors still have a right to pass through the property (AZ: 3 O 309/22). In this particular case, two neighbors, a woman and a man, were in dispute. As the man's property is located in...

Plants: the right choice for every room

Colors influence our mood and our well-being. Green in particular, which is associated with nature and freshness, plays an important role in the indoor climate. Green plants can improve air quality and therefore contribute to a healthier living space. But which plants are best suited to the different living areas? This is important to know, because houseplants fulfill...

Real estate prices: Trends up to 2035

Property prices will rise in Germany's seven largest cities, among others, but also in other regions. In almost half of the regions surveyed (47%), purchase prices will rise by more than 0.15% in real terms by 2035. This is according to the "Postbank Housing Atlas 2024" published by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI). This development will be driven by an increasing...

Building a house: Important tips for builders (Part 3)

Before the dream of owning a home becomes reality, builders should make careful decisions and carry out thorough planning. The portal "" points this out and offers a checklist with 15 important questions as a guide for the successful implementation of the building project. We summarize the questions in a three-part series. Today: Points 11 to...

Research: Energy-efficient refrigerator developed with nickel-titanium

A research team led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Seelecke and Prof. Dr. Paul Motzki from Saarland University has developed a prototype for a refrigerator that cools with nickel-titanium. The refrigerator is operated on the basis of so-called elastocaloric technology. This is based on the simple principle of dissipating heat by means of drawn and relieved nickel-titanium wires. These "artificial...

End of tenancy: Who pays if the apartment is returned late?

Does a tenant always have to pay compensation for use if he returns the apartment late? The Hanau Regional Court recently dealt with this question (case reference 2 S 35/22). In this case, the tenant had given notice to leave his apartment with effect from August 31, 2017. However, the landlord objected to the termination due to a termination exclusion clause in the tenancy agreement. It came to...

Gardening trend 2024: Regenerative gardening

Regenerative gardening is more than just a trend - it's a sustainable method that aims to improve soil health, promote biodiversity and conserve natural resources. Here are some of the key practices and tips for 2024: 1. Soil care and compostingSoil is at the heart of regenerative gardening. A healthy soil layer...

Study: House prices set to fall further according to Commerzbank

A significant correction in residential real estate prices in Germany is already underway, and experts from Commerzbank are forecasting further declines in the coming months. There is clearly still a large gap between the price expectations of buyers and sellers. Prices for existing residential properties have fallen significantly since mid-2022, particularly due to the...

Building a house: Important tips for builders (Part 2)

Before the dream of owning a home becomes reality, builders should make careful decisions and carry out thorough planning. The portal "" points this out and offers a checklist with 15 important questions as a guide for the successful implementation of the building project. We summarize the questions in a three-part series. Today: points 6 to 10.Which...

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