
Study on the investment activity of family offices in the real estate sector

Last year, the real estate consultant Catella studied and analyzed the investment activities of around 80 family offices, i.e. companies that deal with the bank-independent management of large private assets. The evaluations are based both on discussions with experts and on numerous database analyses. The reason for the investigations is the steadily growing global...

Tips: How to reduce your energy consumption in everyday life

In addition to energy-efficient renovation and modernization measures, such as good external insulation of the building envelope or the installation of new windows, residents can reduce their energy consumption, cut costs and do something for the environment at the same time with numerous everyday measures. The German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) presents a range of...

Resolutions in a condominium owners' association (WEG)

Anyone who owns a condominium is also part of a condominium owners' association (WEG). It is therefore important that future condominium owners inform themselves about their rights and obligations and find out, for example, what is hidden behind the terms declaration of division, special and common property or community rules. Likewise, future...

Video door intercom system increases security

Intelligent door intercoms provide convenience and security. Especially with the expansion of a modern voice system by an additional video door intercom, residents can be quite sure who is actually at the door. To ensure good audio and image quality of the video door intercom system, prospective buyers should seek advice from a specialist. Because the...

Increase in real estate transfer tax leads to additional revenue

Anyone who buys a house has to pay land transfer tax for the purchase of the land and the building. Every year, the federal states raise the land transfer tax, which resulted in additional revenue of 15.8 billion euros in Germany in 2019. This represents a 12.1 percent increase in the real estate transfer tax compared to the previous year. This development is causing a stir in the real estate sector and...

Tips: How to prevent mold growth

High humidity in rooms and cooled exterior walls can quickly lead to mold growth. If you then ventilate the rooms incorrectly and do not heat them sufficiently, you give indoor fungi the opportunity to spread. If the air humidity is more than 65 percent, mold growth is pre-programmed. To prevent mold growth and its consequences, such as...

What is involved in energy-efficient construction?

Nowadays, every builder should address the issue of energy-efficient construction. What exactly goes into an energy-self-sufficient house is revealed by independent energy and building consultants. To build energy-efficiently, builders are advised to opt for a compact building form with the smallest possible building surface. Solid houses in particular offer a good...

Improved rental management with digital rental platforms

To improve customer service in rental management and increase process capability, new digital tools in rental platforms match and structure the profiles of prospective tenants with the desired profiles of owners. This allows a landlord to see at a glance how well the prospective tenant fits at the beginning of the rental process. Digital...

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