
Trend: sliding glass doors

Nowadays, bright and lift-flooded rooms are very much in vogue. After all, large rooms create space and promote togetherness. But what happens if you prefer to close the door behind you while cooking or want to watch TV undisturbed in the living room? A good alternative to make rooms appear large and bright, but still create privacy, is to install...

Study: How popular are alternative forms of housing in Germany?

In a survey conducted by Interhyp AG, Germany's largest mortgage broker, 1,000 people in Germany were asked about construction and housing. Above all, the topics of ecology and sustainability played a central role in the survey. The results show that environmental protection and sustainable, energy-efficient construction and housing are important to 87 percent of...

Can shutters on windows protect against burglary?

Roller shutters on windows protect against strong sunlight and serve as thermal insulation. But can attached roller shutters also keep burglars away and protect against burglary? If the roller shutters are certified according to DIN EN 1627, they are assigned to a certain resistance class and are partially burglar-resistant. Thus, the certified roller shutters are additionally secured and let...

Tip: Dismantling old photovoltaic modules

Photovoltaic modules are characterized not only by the fact that they produce electricity in a very environmentally friendly and energy-efficient way, but also by their long life. Thus, appropriately selected photovoltaic modules last for several decades when properly installed. If at some point damage occurs or the modules are no longer suitable for electricity generation due to their age, the...

Ruling: Rental amount of the previous tenant must be documented if required

In a lawsuit before the Berlin-Neukölln Local Court (AZ 65 S 55/19), a tenant sued his landlady regarding her obligation to provide information and evidence about the amount of rent paid by the previous tenant. The lawsuit was about the fact that the landlady demanded a monthly rent of 1,300 euros, although the permissible rent at that time was 806 euros. The landlady referred to the...

Development of the attic offers many possibilities

Often the attic can be converted into another room. Whether as a small living room, study, bathroom or even kitchen - depending on the size and needs, just about any room can be created in the attic. With a few tricks, even the sloping roof can be used advantageously and give the rooms a special flair. Basically, when developing the...

Study: How does Germany heat?

On behalf of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (bdew), the market research institute prolytics investigates in this year's study "How does Germany heat?" which heating systems and energy sources are used to heat Germany's households. The age of the systems is also evaluated. Apartments and single-family houses are counted as "housing units." In multi-family houses, the...

Heating with fireplaces and stoves

A fireplace or stove in the living room not only creates a cozy atmosphere and warms the premises, but nowadays is often used as an alternative heating system. Especially Swedish stoves and tiled stoves are very popular in German households. Also modern fireplace kits, which visually resemble a tiled stove, but are basically converted Swedish stoves, enjoy...

Tip: Proper ventilation and heating in autumn and winter

Even with cold temperatures in autumn and winter, regular airing is essential. This is the only way to prevent mold and guarantee optimum humidity in the respective rooms. To ensure that no more cool air enters than necessary and the rooms cool down unnecessarily, short bursts of ventilation are recommended. The windows should be opened four to five times a day for five to...

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