
Heat pumps: an effective heating option for old buildings?

When used correctly, heat pumps can guarantee both moderate costs and comfortable warmth while protecting the climate. This is the conclusion reached by the energy advice service of the consumer advice center. The heat pump draws its heat free of charge from natural sources such as air, soil or groundwater. The low temperature level that these pumps generate for heating systems is due to the...

Ruling: Longer right to information for tenants

If tenants want to know whether the rent freeze applies to their property or not, they can request more relevant information from their tenant. This was recently decided by the Federal Court of Justice (AZ: VIII ZR 375/21, VIII ZR 8/22, VIII ZR 60/22 and VIII ZR 125/22). The right to information expires within the regular limitation period of three years. The limitation period...

Decoration: interesting facts about flower pots and plants

How can owners or tenants showcase their house or apartment with flower pots and plants? The portal provides some tips. For example, different flower pots can be covered with jute sacks to create a more uniform look. In addition, small indoor greenhouses, aquariums with plants or plants in jars hanging from the ceiling or hanging baskets...

Luxury properties: rental prices of almost 20,000 euros per month

A study by ImmoScout24 reveals the enormous rental prices in Germany. Seven of the ten most expensive rental apartments in the country are located in Berlin. At the top of the list is a designer penthouse in Mitte, which can be rented for 19,500 euros per month. Contrary to expectations, Munich is not among the ten most expensive cities for luxury real estate rental prices. The...

Timber construction industry: stable growth despite cautious forecasts

The carpentry and timber construction industry in Germany is showing stability and growth, despite a decline in building permits. According to the association "Das deutsche Baugewerbe", the number of companies and employees in the sector increased in 2022. Larger companies with 20 or more employees in particular recorded remarkable growth. In addition, turnover growth of 1.3 percent was achieved....

Outdoor areas: heat protection through proper planting

Homeowners and builders can mitigate the effects of climate change by designing their outdoor facilities in a targeted manner. This is the conclusion reached by the Association of Private Building Owners (VPB). Consultant Norman-Marcel Dietz at VPB Hildesheim emphasizes that green, unsealed surfaces both protect the environment and improve the quality of life: "Greenery promotes the health and well-being of the...

Verdict: Freiburg's parking fee regulations for residents invalid

The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has declared the resident parking fee statutes of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau invalid (case no.: BVerwG 9 CN 2.22). The ruling concerns the statute that came into force on December 14, 2021, which introduced a gradual parking fee structure based on vehicle length. Discounts for certain groups of people were also provided for. However, the BVerwG found that...

Accessibility: Redesigning life despite physical limitations

In old age or with a physical impairment, a barrier-free home can become important so that residents can lead an independent life. This is according to an article on the portal. The bathroom in particular is the focus of adaptations, as personal hygiene is of central importance. Residents receive support for barrier-free conversion...

Energy efficiency: homeowners focus on renovation and solar technology

The majority of German homeowners are showing a growing interest in energy-efficient living and are planning corresponding renovation measures. This is according to the TechnologyRadar 2023 published by the German Academy of Science and Engineering, the Körber Foundation and the Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Research at the University of Stuttgart. According to the study, around 80 percent of...

Real estate: Careful planning when buying a vacation home

Prices for vacation apartments in the Alpine region, particularly in Switzerland, rose by 7% last year. Top prices were achieved in Engadin/St. Moritz, Flims/Laax and Gstaad. This is reported by, which cites a study by the major bank UBS. This development can be attributed to the coronavirus pandemic and the second-home initiative, which has limited the number of...

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