
Construction industry: associations call for improvements

Improvements in the framework conditions for new construction, special depreciation for affordable rental housing in tight housing markets and more incentives for home ownership - these are the demands made by the Federal Association of Building Materials, Stone and Earth, the Main Association of the German Construction Industry, the Central Association of the German Construction Industry (ZDB) and the Central Association of German Skilled Crafts in their position paper...

Climate protection: Ten municipalities receive awards

In the "Climate-Active Municipality 2022" competition, ten municipalities that are particularly committed to climate protection received prize money of 25,000 euros each. In the "Resources and Energy Efficiency" category, the city of Mindelheim was honored for the energy-efficient renovation of the Maria Theresia outdoor pool, the district of Viersen for the climate-friendly new construction of the central district archive, and the...

Judgment: Landlord must continue tenancy if tenant is at risk of suicide

If the eviction of a mentally ill tenant would lead to a suicidal intent, the landlord must continue the tenancy for an indefinite period. This has now been decided by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH; AZ: VIII ZR 390/21). In the case at hand, an owner wanted to terminate his tenant's tenancy due to own need in order to combine two apartments for himself and his life partner and thus give the latter...

Kitchens: AMK reveals trends

The working group 'Die Moderne Küche' (AMK) recently revealed which kitchens will be in vogue in 2023. In terms of wood, the focus will be on oak and walnut, as well as ash and walnut. In terms of colors, many combinations are possible. In addition to earth-, sand- and cream-colored elements, the tones "reed" and "sage" can also be used. Especially in the...

Private rental: Special challenge due to energy crisis

The energy crisis poses challenges for private landlords in particular. This is the view of "Haus & Grund," the central association of German home, apartment and land owners. "Our members tell us that they want to continue on the path away from fossil fuels and toward less energy consumption, but are increasingly encountering hurdles," says Haus-&-Grund President Kai...

New construction: energy-plus houses produce energy themselves

Owners can now also have so-called energy-plus houses built. The portal "" points this out. With energy plus houses it concerns houses, by which not only energy can be saved, but by which also energy can be produced. The principle of the energy plus houses is based on a more efficient building use and thus...

Energy: This is changing

There will be some innovations in the energy sector in 2023. The energy advice service of the consumer advice center provides information about these. Among other things, consumers should keep the energy efficiency regulations for new buildings, the capping of energy prices and the promotion of energy-saving investments on their radar. From 2023, for example, stricter requirements will apply to new buildings with regard to the...

Judgment: Annual fee from building society inadmissible

BHW-Bausparkasse is not allowed to charge an annual fee during the savings phase of home savings contracts. This was recently ruled by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH, AZ: XI ZR 551/21). In the case in question, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) brought an action against the aforementioned building society. The latter had demanded an annual fee of 12 euros from its customers with a building society account. Unjustly, as the BGH...

Fair: Nature Garden Days 2022

At the Naturgartentage 2022, members of the "NaturGarten" association and interested parties can learn more about topics such as "Creating & Maintaining Meadows" and "Planning & Designing Edges". The Naturgartentage will take place from Thursday, February 2, to Sunday, February 5, at the Stadthalle Hagen. While from Thursday to Saturday they probably mainly club members...

Study: Price collapses expected for real estate

Price slumps of up to ten percent for condominiums and owner-occupied homes in Germany - this is the development predicted by study author Konstantin A. Kholodilin from the Macroeconomics Department of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). Together with his colleague Malte Rieth, he examined the developments of rental and purchase prices in 97 German cities. From the...

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