
Real estate industry: Verbund fears market division

The German Investment Real Estate Association (DAVE) has observed increasing pressure on the investment market. On the one hand, sellers are asking themselves whether they have missed the right time to sell. On the other hand, portfolio holders are uncertain how the follow-up conditions will develop when extending an existing construction loan. According to DAVE, among other things, rising...

Construction industry: Number of apprentices on the rise, but still in demand

Although the number of apprentices in the main construction trade has increased for the fifth year in succession, the Central Association of the German Construction Industry (ZDB) is calling on young interested parties to apply to a construction company. According to ZDB Managing Director Felix Pakleppa, many apprenticeship positions have not yet been filled, and there is also a shortage of personnel in the German construction industry. In many companies...

Sun protection: Approval of the WEG almost always required

If thermal insulation measures are implemented, the condominium owners' association (WEG) must almost always approve them. That applies if thereby the community property is concerned. To it the association living in the property (WiE) points out. Particularly with larger measures such as a roof and a front insulation the WiE guesses owners to inform in advance about the costs. In addition...

Protection against dismissal: BGH rules

In Berlin, tenants benefit from a ten-year protection against termination, and this applies whenever a rented apartment is to be converted into a condominium. In a recent ruling (VIII ZR 356/20), the Federal Court of Justice clarifies that "the notice lock-up period after the formation and sale of condominiums within the meaning of Section 577a (1) of the German Civil Code (BGB) for the entire area of Berlin is limited to ten...

Kitchen: elements from glass

Tips on how glass can be used in kitchens are provided by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Moderne Küche (AMK). For example, it can be used as an illuminated niche back wall, as a kitchen countertop or as a room divider between the cooking and living areas. According to AMK, a niche back wall can be individually designed, for example, in your favorite color, in your own desired decor or with a...

Analysis: Empirica Regio launches real estate price index

Under the title "The pig cycle is running out of food" Empirica Regio has released the real estate price index 2/2022. This shows that rents for condominiums have increased by 2.0 percent compared to the last quarter. Thus, for the first time in a long time, rents for condominiums have increased more than the purchase prices for them (1.1 percent compared to the last...

Heat: heating with renewable energy

In the future, heating systems are to be operated with at least 65 percent renewable energy. This is according to a press release from the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB). It is expected that from January 1, 2024, owners of new construction or existing properties will have to comply when installing/exchanging heating systems. On the subject, the Federal Ministry...

Energy advice: book for children

Hajo Schörle from W&D Schörle thought about how young people can be involved in energy consulting. The result is the book "Da steckt ja ganz schön viel Energie drin. On 40 pages, children learn more about the topic - from energy-efficient renovation to storing energy to generating their own energy. The book...

Neighborhood: cameras are not allowed to film other people's property

Neighbors are not allowed to install surveillance cameras that record their own property as well as that of their neighbors. This has now been decided by the Bad Iburg Local Court (AZ: 4 C 366/21). In the case in question, a neighbor of a semi-detached house had installed surveillance cameras with intelligent video technology on his property, which, among other things, could detect objects and persons in real time....

Visualization: Students design new areas on the riverbank

How can a site like the one at the Heidingsfelder Mainufer in Würzburg be upgraded? Students of the Geovisualization course at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt dealt with this question. Under the motto "Living on the waterfront", they had to develop designs that combine the areas of living, working and leisure. The challenge here...

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