
Study: Buying is cheaper than renting

In Germany, it was cheaper to buy than to rent residential property in 2021. This is according to the Accentro Housing Cost Report 2022. Compared with 2020, the cost advantage of using an owner-occupied apartment over a comparable rented apartment increased by around three percent, according to Accentro. According to the report, in almost all (399/401) of the German counties and independent cities surveyed, owners had to...

Construction: structural steel, bitumen and bricks missing

According to the "ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research", the shortage of materials on construction sites has reached its highest level since 1991. In May, 56.6 percent of companies in the building construction sector complained of material shortages, while 44.8 percent of companies in the civil engineering sector reported shortages. The shortage of materials is due in particular to the war in Ukraine. Companies are currently particularly short of...

Saving energy: Tips for private individuals

The consumer center's energy advice service informs private individuals in a four-part series about how they can save energy. In Part 1, consumers learn how they can "Optimize heating". Part 2 is about how energy can be saved through "Cost-effective measures you can do yourself". In Part 3, private individuals learn more about how to "Save hot water"...

Judgment: Basic security for real estate owners

Are owners of real estate entitled to Harzt IV benefits? This is decided by the size of the property and the number of residents, as the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) has now ruled (1 BvL 12/20). Because "means of the general public, which are intended for the assistance for their needy members, only in cases are taken up, in which actual neediness is present", so...

Architecture: Virtual tour in the ZVE

A virtual tour will give visitors an insight into the architecture of Fraunhofer IAO's Center for Virtual Engineering ZVE in Stuttgart at Nobelstrasse 12. During the tour on Friday, October 21, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., they will learn, among other things, more about the ergonomic and energy considerations underlying the building. In addition, it will also be illuminated how...

Report: Life science real estate in focus

Cushman & Walkfield's Life Science Report discusses the current situation of so-called life science properties, which combine production, laboratory and office space. According to Cushman & Walkfield, yields of between 4 and 4.5 percent can be achieved for life science properties with office space, while for classic office properties these can be reduced to 2.5 to 2.8...

House building: Test certificates for building materials can ensure greater sustainability, according to VPB

Building owners who value sustainability should look for test certificates for building materials. This is the advice of the Association of Private Builders (VPB). Tested recycled concrete, for example, can effectively reduce gravel mining and carbon dioxide emissions. According to the VPB, builders can also make a contribution to sustainability if they ensure that as few different and well...

Energy efficiency: retrofitting during change of ownership

Owners who buy or inherit a one- or two-family house must implement energy standards. This is pointed out by the energy consulting service of the consumer advice center. What requirements apply to residential buildings in terms of energy efficiency is regulated in the Building Energy Act (GEG). According to the energy advisory service, the property must meet the requirements of the GEG within two years. So...

Ruling: Higher Regional Court strengthens rights of building owners

Building owners are not obligated to provide craftsmen with a so-called construction craftsmen's insurance. This was recently decided by the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Zweibrücken (Case No. 2 O 315/19). In the case in question, a dispute arose between a couple of building owners and a craftsman's company about the quality of the construction work performed. The building owner couple refused to...

Apartment for rent: tips for beautification

How can tenants beautify their apartment? Which measures can they carry out on their own? When do they need the landlord's consent? The portal "" looks into these questions. The most important thing in advance: Superficial changes that can be undone may usually be carried out by the tenant himself. However, if the building fabric of the apartment is...

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