
Digitization: HDB and ZIA call for modernization in construction

Creating the conditions for more digitization and less democracy in construction - this is what Tim Müller, Managing Director of the German Construction Industry Federation (HDB), and Oliver Wittke, Managing Director of the Central Real Estate Committee (ZIA), are demanding from politicians. To this end, they propose, among other things, a digital completeness check of application documents for...

AEE animation: "Municipal heating networks

How can renewable energies be integrated both into conventional heating networks with high temperatures and into innovative cooling networks? And how can entire settlements or city districts be made more climate-friendly with the use of heating networks? The Agency for Renewable Energies (AEE) provides the answers to these questions in its animation "Municipal Heat Networks". It looks at...

Judgment: Owners may not let property fall into disrepair

If a property is getting on in years, the owners may not wait so long with modernization or renovation measures until it can no longer be entered. This is the result of a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH). It states that the "apartment owners are obligated to arrange for the elimination of serious structural defects of the common property, which would make it impossible to...

Tips: Saving space in the living room

It is often a particular challenge to furnish small apartments. Therefore, the portal provides "5 furnishing tips to save space". The tips concern the general furnishing of the living room, the color selection, the furniture selection, the look and the light. In terms of furnishings, the portal advises to choose minimalist solutions. Instead of a sofa and...

Real estate bubble: Frankfurt at greatest risk

According to the "UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2021" study, Frankfurt am Main is one of the cities with the highest real estate bubble risk, along with Toronto and Hong Kong. One of the reasons cited for this is the inflation-adjusted growth in residential property prices. From mid-2020 to mid-2021, this had increased by an average of six percent in the aforementioned cities and other...

Building: What do the energy efficiency classes mean?

The portal "" provides an article about the energy efficiency classes for buildings. This shows that the energy certificate is a component of the building energy law (GEG) introduced in 2021 and provides information about the climate impact of the building. On the energy document of identification thus for example data are to be found to the final energy requirement or to the energy efficiency class. The...

Economy: New funding guidelines from November

In order to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality, an energy-efficient economy and a reduction in the primary energy consumption of the national economy are required. This is the view of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). For this reason, two new funding guidelines will come into force on November 1, 2021 - the "Bundesförderung für Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz in der Wirtschaft -...

Verdict: Plant troughs not allowed on traffic areas

Plant troughs may not be erected on traffic areas, even if they are owned. This was decided by the Regensburg Administrative Court (RN 4 K 20.514). In the case in question, third parties had pointed out to the defendant that an owner had erected plant troughs and thus blocked parking spaces. The defendant then demanded that the owner...

Interior design tip: Calming earth colors

Owners and tenants who like a natural look can go for earth tones in their decor. These include tones such as clay, ocher and terracotta, but also sand, mocha and ivory. In addition the portal guesses. The use of appropriate wall colors and furnishings is possible, for example, in the living room and bedroom. Decide owners and...

Guideline: Reducing CO2 emissions in hospitals

What CO2 emissions are caused by the operation of buildings, hospital transports or cleaning in hospitals? Scientists at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) are investigating these questions over the next three years in collaboration with hospitals, professional associations and consulting firms from several German states. In the process, they also want to find out how clinics...

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