
Investment: Forestry real estate

The "Market Report Forest 2021" of the real estate consulting company Colliers provides an overview of the situation of the forest in Germany from a forestry and ecological point of view. The analyses show that the forest investment market as well as the investment in forest real estate guarantee a good planning ability with regard to the yields and secure good returns. This is therefore to...

Buy a house or rent?

On the online portal of the "Unabhängige Bauherrenberatung zur Begleitung bei Planung und Hausbau", the experts draw up a comparison regarding the financial advantages of buying a house or living in a rented house. Since this decision depends on very many factors, no clear statement can be made per se, which model brings the larger advantage. If one compares...

Recycle gray water

A recycling system for graywater use reduces drinking water consumption and wastewater by around 30 percent. According to the Fachvereinigung Betriebs- und Regenwassernutzung, a person in the household uses about 55 liters of gray water per day. To ensure that the lightly polluted graywater produced by showering, bathing or washing with the washing machine does not find its way unused to...

Judgment: cost estimate damage liability

In 2014, a condominium owner sold his condominium at a price of 79,800 euros. The new owners were aware that the apartment had a material defect. In the past, there was moisture on the walls in the bedroom. In the purchase agreement, the parties agreed that the seller was obligated to pay for the material defect should it occur again....

Information and rules: Allotment garden / Shrub garden

Anyone who leases an allotment garden (also called an allotment garden) must abide by the rules of the Federal Allotment Garden Law (BKleingG). Allotment gardens are land owned by the municipality and tenants can use them for a small fee. Stiftung Warentest compiles helpful information on its website about what is allowed when leasing and using an allotment garden and which rules must be observed....

Benchmark Analysis: Flexible Offices

According to the "Flexmark" benchmark analysis of the "Workthere" brokerage platform from real estate consultant Savillis, the profitability of flexible workspaces is expected to increase worldwide. Even though occupancy rates for both open spaces and self-contained office units declined in the year of the Corona pandemic, operators were able to increase their profitability to...

Integrated smart home system in the prefabricated house

Especially in the area of new buildings, the topic of technology plays a major role. Even though a smart home system can be integrated into an existing property at a later date, one in three new prefabricated houses is already equipped with an integrated smart home system during the planning stage. This is shown by the results of an industry survey conducted by the German Prefabricated Building Association (BDF). An integrated...

Insulation material: mineral wool

When insulating a building, as well as in the area of sound and fire protection, care must be taken to ensure high energy compatibility. Mineral wool is ideal for insulating the walls and ceilings of a building, as well as for insulating floors or in heating and hot water pipes. The insulating material made of glass and rock wool is versatile and makes a decisive contribution...

Verdict: Expert opinion to decide on termination of owner-occupied space

A tenant in Berlin had his tenancy terminated on the grounds of personal need. The tenant, who was born in 1949, had been living in the 85-square-meter rental apartment since 1986. In 2012, a new owner acquired the apartment in a compulsory auction. As the reason for the termination of the tenancy due to own need as of June 30, 2017, the owner stated that his daughter wanted to...

Trend: modern wooden ceilings

While a wooden ceiling was trendy in the 60s and 70s, it became disreputable in the following years. Nowadays, modern wooden ceilings are gaining more and more prestige, not only because they improve the CO2 balance of the building. Nowadays, a modern wooden ceiling looks visually chic, especially if it is used in rooms with large window fronts and plenty of natural light. Likewise, they...

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