
Housing health: protect wood from pests

Anyone who decides to buy a house in an existing building with a lot of wooden furnishings should have the quality of the building inspected by a building expert before buying it. After all, if a building has been empty for a long time and may have been exposed to moisture, there is a risk that it may have been attacked by pests such as fungi or insects. With a preliminary examination go...

Save energy with intelligent door and window contacts

Intelligent door and window contacts have a dual function: they protect against burglars and help save energy. The small electromagnetic sensors are designed to detect whether the window or door to which they are attached is open or closed. Coupled to a smart home system, the sensors emit an optical or a...

Judgment: model declaratory action against excessive rent increase

If modernization work is carried out on real estate, this is usually followed by a rent increase for tenants. Until the end of 2018, owners were allowed to pass on up to 11 percent of the modernization costs to the rent each year. To ease the burden on tenants and protect them from high rent increases, a new law came into force on January 1, 2019. In accordance with a change in tenancy law and the new...

Tips: How to bring spring into the living room

To enjoy the feeling of spring not only outside, but also to bring the blooming season indoors, often just little things are enough. With a few simple steps and in a short time, the apartment can be transformed into a spring oasis. Light and colors play an essential role in this. Thus, decorative items, pillows, towels or the table setting should be in...

Act: Building Electric Mobility Infrastructure Act.

Good news in the field of electric mobility: In March 2021, the long-awaited "Building Electric Mobility Infrastructure Act" (GEIG) came into force. This stipulates that a certain number of charging stations for electric cars must be guaranteed when building new properties or carrying out major renovations to existing properties. The GEIG is part of the...

Tip: pergola in the garden

A pergola in the garden provides good protection from the sun and heat and visually transforms the garden into a pleasant oasis of calm. Especially wood is ideal for a pergola. These are available for purchase in stores, but even amateur craftsmen can give their garden a special flair with a little skill. To do this, you should first make a sketch and a construction plan. Most of the time it is enough...

Lead study: The dawn of climate neutrality

The German Energy Agency's (dena) latest flagship study, "The Dawn of Climate Neutrality - A Look at the Workshop," serves as a foundation on the road to climate neutrality. By signing the Paris Climate Agreement, Germany has committed itself to being largely climate neutral by 2050. Achieving this goal requires not only individual steps and measures in the...

Ruling: advanced age alone does not protect against termination of the tenancy agreement

A landlady terminates the tenancy of her tenant after 18 years due to her own needs. At the time of termination, the tenant was 88 years old and had been living in the apartment with her husband, who had died in the meantime, since 1997. The couple rejected the termination and demanded the continuation of the tenancy for an indefinite period of time pursuant to Section 574 (1) sentence 1 BGB (AZ...

Tips: Kitchen island

A kitchen island in the middle of an open kitchen creates a cozy ambience and is also a real eye-catcher. As a central element in the room, a kitchen island is not only intended for preparing food, but also serves as a meeting point for exchanging ideas and getting together. But to ensure that it looks neat even when commissioned and fits perfectly into the...

Forecast: End of the house price cycle in 2024?

According to a market report by analysts at Deutsche Bank Research, an end to the house price cycle and rising real estate prices could initially be reached by 2024. Several factors lead the analysts to this forecast. First, Deutsche Bank's researchers expect the currently prevailing supply shortage to ease over the next few years. This...

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