Underfloor heating: tiles as flooring

  • 5 years ago

The installation of underfloor heating brings many advantages. The surface temperature of 23 to 24 degrees is evenly distributed throughout the rooms, radiators are no longer required, and heating costs can also be saved because underfloor heating systems have a lower flow temperature. This can save up to twelve percent energy. Heating costs can also be saved in combination with energy-efficient systems, such as solar collectors or heat pumps.

Today, almost two-thirds of new construction properties are equipped with underfloor or panel heating. When choosing underfloor heating, the covering material is important. According to the German Ceramic Tile Association (BKF), tiles are particularly suitable because they are robust and an efficient conductor of heat. These properties are also met by natural stone tiles, which are also available in various colors and textures.

Since underfloor heating swirls less dust, it is especially popular with allergy sufferers, because dust mites or mold cannot settle in. Thus, underfloor heating provides a healthy indoor climate and is an environmentally friendly as well as energy-efficient heating method.

Source: Bauratgeber Germany/BKF
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