
Study: MCC recommends social package

In a study, the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) recommends creating a social package instead of the additional tax cut on gas. In this, the one-time energy price flat rate of 300 euros should be replaced by a regular "Energy Price Flat RatePlus" of 80 euros per month for taxpayers with a net salary of no more than 3,000 euros and 40 euros per month for...

Fire protection: BG Bau informs

BG Bau informs small and medium-sized companies from the construction industry about fire protection in the construction industry with various measures. For example, interested parties can order the brochure "Operational fire protection in practice" for 5 euros via the website. There is also a so-called building blocks app that provides tips for safer working. Give users...

Nomination: Candidates for Federal Ecodesign Award 2022 announced

Whether it's a ceiling solution for a multi-story wooden building, a dry stacking system for masonry bricks or a smart bike parking system - the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV), the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the International Design Center Berlin (IDZ) have announced the 28 nominees for the Federal Ecodesign Award 2022. Interested parties can find out more about the nominees and their projects at...

Judgment: Damages must be paid by all apartment owners

If damage occurs after a tap water damage due to defective pipes in the apartment of an apartment owner, this must be paid jointly by all apartment owners. This was decided by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH)/judgment of September 16, 2022 - V ZR 69/21 V ZR 69/21. In the case at hand, an owners' association had taken out building insurance for the special...

Decoration: elements with books

The portal shows how interested parties can make decorative items out of old books. For example, a side table can be made from several books. This works by stacking the books, gluing them together and then setting the scene with spray paint. Postcards can also find a place in discarded books, according to To do this, the pages are...

Property Index: Munich second most expensive city in Europe

Anyone wishing to buy a new apartment in Munich will have to dig deep into their pockets. According to the study "11th edition of the Property Index - Overview of European Residential Markets" by Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Munich is the second most expensive city in Europe. While buyers in Munich have to pay 10,500 euros per square meter, the...

Ceiling construction: students experiment in warehouse

How can vibrations of extremely large wooden ceilings of over eight meters be reduced? Patrica Hamm, a lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Project Management at Biberach University of Applied Sciences (HBC), is investigating this question. Together with master's students Johannes Ruf and Valentin Knöpfle and the project partner, Primin Jung Deutschland GmbH, she wants to develop a vibration-optimized...

Investigation: Students examine indoor temperatures

Researchers in building physics at the University of Weimar are investigating how to improve the energy balance of existing buildings and urban quarters and save CO2 emissions. Based on a digital architectural model, they are also looking at the effects of temperature developments in the interior of a building. In doing so, they take into account, for example, how windows,...

Decision: Increase of the assessment rate is lawful

In Neuwied, property owners must now dig considerably deeper into their pockets. The Koblenz Administrative Court ruled that the city may raise the assessment rate for property tax B from 420% to 610% (5 K 1000/21.KO & 5 K 999/21.KO). Against it owners of residential properties had complained. However without success. The judges from Koblenz decided that the...

WEG: WiE criticizes BMJ plans

The Wohnen im Eigentum association criticizes the plans to introduce a purely online owners' meeting by the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ) and has compiled eleven arguments against such a move. Among other things, the WiE cites as arguments that older and educationally disadvantaged citizens could be excluded, that the possibility of exercising voting rights is unnecessarily...

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