March 2021

Study: Most frequent defects in condominiums

The Institut für Bauforschung (IfB) and the Bauherren-Schutzbund (BSB) have collaborated to publish the short study "The 10 most common defects in condominiums in apartment buildings". With this study, the publishers summarize the most frequently occurring construction defects. In addition, the study contains helpful tips for apartment sellers on how to identify the defects at an early...

Research study: Better energy balance through smart home technology

The housing industry research project "Influence of operational management on the efficiency of old heating systems in existing buildings (BaltBest)" will run until May 2021. The project's investigations are intended to make a significant contribution to the development of strategies in the area of climate protection and digitization in the housing industry. The background to the investigations is that, in addition to a...

Ruling: Collection point for recyclable materials does not constitute a material defect

In 2015, a married couple purchased a condominium in a new development area in Düsseldorf. A total of 1,800 apartments were to be built on the site. The couple paid 550,000 euros for the 140-square-meter apartment. At a later date, the city of Düsseldorf built a waste glass and waste paper container facility on the opposite side of the new apartment. Since the facility was at...

Tips for the design of the ceiling of the room

When moving into an apartment or a house, as well as during an upcoming renovation, the ceiling often receives little attention. However, due to its height and design, it affects the entire atmosphere of the room. Sometimes small measures are enough to beautify the ceiling. For example, if the ceiling is flat and has no flaws, it is often enough to paint it...

Living in Germany: Differences between urban and rural areas

The study "Living in Germany 2020 - Differences between urban and rural areas" examines and compares real estate and rental prices in German core cities and metropolitan areas with price developments in the Speckgürtel and rural areas. An important aspect of the research relates to the effects of the Corona pandemic and the resulting increase in commuting...

Terrace and balcony: clean sandstone floor

Spring is just around the corner: that's when it's time to spruce up the patio. Homeowners or tenants who have a sandstone surface on their terrace or balcony should start cleaning it as soon as possible. Because sandstone is a stable rock, but porous due to its natural structure, care should be taken when cleaning. Damaging...

Wallbox for electric car

For those who own an electric car, a "wallbox" offers a good solution for charging the e-car. This can be easily installed outdoors on a house wall or carport as well as indoors, for example in a garage. If the intelligent wall charging station is to be installed in an apartment building, consultation with the other homeowners or the...

Ruling: Increase in rent after modernization

The tenants of an 85.65 square meter apartment in Berlin are suing their landlord for the pro-rata repayment of the rent paid to date (AZ VIII ZR 369/18). The tenancy has existed since 2016, a net cold rent of 1,199 euros was agreed in the lease. This corresponds to a price per square meter of 13.99 euros. The previous tenants only paid a net cold rent of 485 euros. According to the...

Living trend: Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a theory of harmony from China, which aims to create a connection of man with his living and living space. This is characterized by harmony and unison. Thereby Feng Shui pursues the goal to let the life energy Chi or also Qi called, flow better in the living environment and to improve thus the living and quality of life. With the right use of colors and...

Study: Gravel - the most important domestic raw material

Whoever realizes a housing project depends on the availability of sufficient building materials. The raw material gravel is needed for the production of concrete and is therefore very important for residential construction. However, gravel supplies in Germany are scarce and prices are high. This is because the occurrence and extraction of gravel is much lower than the actual demand. The study "Gravel -...

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